Development Process

Each TACTICS VR module is developed through a structured and step-wise process, including the following steps:

Initiation / Scoping

Perceived need, training objectives and target audience are defined and developed into a detailed statement of work. The process is informed by content experts, clinical expert opinions, published literature and feedback from stakeholders. For existing modules this has included workshops and roundtable discussions with healthcare professionals including doctors, nurses, radiologists, allied health and site stroke coordinators.


A detailed plan is formalised, highlighting specific content and scene sequencing. This typically includes detailed scripts for audio / video components, mock-ups of visual content and VR environment and drafts of all written content. All content is reviewed by relevant stakeholders, seeking feedback to ensure it is evidence-based and appropriate for the target audience. Formal sign-off is provided by subject matter experts.

Content Production

Existing content suitable for use is sourced from stakeholders and supporting organisations (and permissions obtained, as relevant). A detailed production plan is developed for the creation of all required video and image components. This process typically occurs in parallel with VR coding.

Application Development

Content is produced for virtual reality, in collaboration with a VR development contractor. This is an iterative process, which involves multiple rounds of testing and feedback by all stakeholders.

Internal Testing

A small group of relevant users are invited for internal testing, to provide feedback on user experience and content, including functionality, appeal and utility. Necessary modifications are integrated to address feedback.


Roll-out of the developed VR application to users from the intended target audiences is facilitated by project stakeholders with technical support provided by the Centre for Advanced Training Systems (ATS). This includes provision of briefing documents, user manuals and supporting resources. Target audiences are encouraged to use and showcase the application. Feedback on experience is collected to inform future development and scope for expansions.


The finalised application is circulated to relevant stakeholders and via communications channels. Ongoing use is supported by ATS and project stakeholder organisations to inform optimal implementation and collect data on training utility and effects on healthcare staff behaviours and patient outcomes. Where possible, training outcomes are assessed and reported in relevant academic publications (e.g. journal articles).

Ongoing Development

User feedback is collected to identify modifications to improve existing applications and identify needs for expansion modules. As necessary, updates are provided to support changes in VR hardware and clinical delivery requirements
